All of our briefs are linked on their respective case pages. If they are helpful to you as an attorney or pro se litigator, please feel welcome to use them.

Richardson v. Clarke et al.
Richardson v. Clarke is an appeal brought by Rights Behind Bars in the Fourth Circuit on behalf of a man in the Virginia Department of Corrections (VDOC) system who argues VDOC violated his right to freely exercise his religion and failed to provide him accommodations as a person with a disability.

Callahan v. Federal Bureau of Prisons
Rights Behind Bars represents Scott Callahan, a man in a federal prison in Ohio whose artwork was censored in violation of his First Amendment rights.

Williams v. Borrego
Rights Behind Bars, along with the law firm Jones Day, represents Charles Williams, an incarcerated man in Colorado. A devout adherent to Native American religious practices, his prison collectively punished the Native Americans in their prison by prohibiting their use of tobacco for religious pipe ceremonies when a non-Native incarcerated person was caught with unrelated tobacco.