All of our briefs are linked on their respective case pages. If they are helpful to you as an attorney or pro se litigator, please feel welcome to use them.

Savage v. Harris County, Texas, et. al.
Harris County Jail, in Houston Texas, is one of the most violent and deadly jails in the country. Ms. Savage suffered unspeakable violence during the three months she was incarcerated, including a guard assault that resulted in the loss of her pregnancy.

Shorter v. United States, et al.
Rights Behind Bars represents Chrissy Shorter, a transgender woman who was sexually assaulted while incarcerated at a federal prison in New Jersey. Shorter brought an 8th Amendment claim pro se against the prison for failing to take preventative actions to protect her from sexual assault even after her request for transfer to a safer institution had been approved.

Dickinson v. Cochran
Along with the law firm Wilkinson Walsh, Rights Behind Bars represents Joshua Dickinson who was jailed for three days in the midst of a mental health crisis.

Hoffman v. Preston
Partnering with the law firm Covington and Burling, Rights Behind Bars represents Marcellas Hoffman, who was incarcerated in a California prison when a correctional officer offered to pay other incarcerated people to assault him and spread rumors he hoped would lead to an attack on Hoffman.