Tillman v. City of Saint Louis et al.

Brought in partnership with ArchCity Defenders, MacArthur Justice, and Saint Louis University Law School Clinic, RBB has filed this ADA action on behalf of Anthony Tillman, a paraplegic man detained in St. Louis's City Justice Center. Mr. Tillman has been denied the ability to shower for months on account of his disability. After attempting to bathe in an inaccessible shower with his wheelchair, he was badly cut and developed sepsis, which caused him to become delirious, develop open sores, and urinate blood. We filed a motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order requesting the court to require the facility to accommodate Mr. Tillman’s disability and establish accessible showering facilities.

Read more: complaint, motion, and declaration in support.


Rivas v. Hodgson


Cofield et al v. McDonald et al.