McCoy v. Alamu

Rights Behind Bars, along with the MacArthur Justice Center, represents Prince McCoy, an incarcerated man in Texas who was sprayed in the face with mace by a prison guard for no reason other than the guard's frustration with a different person. The Fifth Circuit held that although this assault was a violation of the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits sadistic and malicious uses of force, it was not a "clearly established" violation because the Fifth Circuit had not confronted a case with identical facts and therefore the guard was entitled to qualified immunity. Rights Behind Bars and MacArthur have filed a petition for certiorari with the United States Supreme Court asking them to resolve the multiple circuit splits created the court's opinion created or summarily reverse its obviously incorrect result. 

(U.S. No. 20-31)


Crane v. Utah D.O.C.


Williams v. Borrego